sunlight &  circadian rhythm

Sunlight and Your Brain

Every 24 hours your brain and body complete a full cycle of functions, and this is your circadian rhythm. Hormones are released at certain times in order for certain processes to be completed. Guess what is the primary source of signaling for these hormones to be released? Light! Specifically, sun light. When sunlight enters through your eyes it goes back to the brain and the hypothalamus and thus begins a release of hormones. The time of day and spectrum of light determines which hormones are signaled. First thing in the morning the sunlight spectrum is higher in red light and this light through your eyes begins the gentle release of wake hormones such as pregnenolone and cortisol. In the afternoon when UVB light (more blue light) is strongest it signals our peak cortisol of the day, supporting digestion and movement. As the sun goes to set, the spectrum of light tells our brain to lower cortisol and wind down, beginning our transition towards melatonin production for the night.

In our modern world we are bombarded with all kinds of man-made light sources that are like alien suns to our brain. This can create confusing signals and can throw off our circadian rhythm. Especially with all of our electronic devices that are bombarding us with an extreme amount of blue light. This can cause an abundance of cortisol and stress in our cells. This little imbalance creates a ripple effect of imbalances and begins disfunction in the body. Thankfully, there are many ways we can mitigate for this, as well as shift our light environment to support our brain and well being!

Check out my course, Sun Sync, to get the full scoop as well as practical solutions that fit your individual lifestyle! *Coming soon!*

Making home sacred space

Your home should be a space that makes you feel and be well. Circadian health can be significantly supported in and around your home. Utilizing things like natural light, healthy lighting options, natural elements, minimizing nnEMFs, and organization will help bring your wellness journey to the next level. Here are a few bullet points to consider and implement so that you sleep your best and feel your best.

  • Turn wifi off at night and devices off or on airplane mode

  • Sleep in a completely darkened room

  • Add at least one live plant to each room

  • Use full spectrum light bulbs (subscribe to the site for a full list of all product recommendations)

  • Use natural light as much as possible

  • Use natural materials when able (wood, stone, cotton, linen, wool, grass baskets, etc)

  • Switch all cleaning and body products to toxic free

  • Use incandescent or orange bulbs after dark. Candles are great too! We use a lot of salt lamps after dark and keep light warm and low, no overhead.

  • Marie Kondo your home! (clear clutter & organize)

Resources and Research

Here is a list of links if you would like to do a deeper dive into the world of sunlight and your brain and health.

Effects of dawn and morning light on daytime cognitive performance, well-being, cortisol and melatonin levels: go here

Transition from dim to bright light in the morning inducing immediate cortisol elevation: go here

Time spent in outdoor light associated with mood, sleep, and circadian rhythm: go here

The book Health and Light: The extraordinary study that shows how light affects your health and emotional wellbeing, by John N. Ott

Download my free beginner’s quick guide to Syncing with the Sun

My Mentors and Resources to follow:

Carrie Bennett at

Dr. Jack Kruse at

The Quantum Biology Collective (where I received my certification) at

Creating healing and beautiful spaces: Mawish Syed Designs