My healing journey began about 18 years ago. This journey is what led me to becoming a wellness coach. I grew up with many health struggles: I was born a blue baby which came with infections and immune issues, horrible allergies to pretty much everything, chronic strep throat til my tonsils were so destroyed that they had to be removed, chronic colds or bronchitis, chronic constipation, and terrible stomach pains every couple months or so that would have me doubled over in the bathroom begging God to make it stop. The regular medical doctors tried many things, but it was mostly symptom care because they didn’t know how to find a root cause. I learned to live with these things and was pretty happy and thought I was living a normal life, which I’m grateful for. Life really wasn’t as bad as that whole list sounds like it was!

At the age of 18 I met a family who approached health from a holistic view and used things like muscle testing, herbs, supplements, and mostly just eating whole pure foods like God intended for us. They also knew about energetics and frequencies which started my curiosity on that path. After getting to know them more they noticed I was consumed by my terrible allergies and asked if I was interested in trying anything alternative. I told them I would try just about anything if it meant overcoming my allergies. I had tried almost every single over the counter drug as well as allergy shots over the span of 4 years. Through muscle testing we discovered what my body was asking for and I was all in, fully committed to making whatever changes were necessary to feel good. We discovered I had major candida overgrowth that needed to be taken care of before things could heal. I spent the next month in a hardcore lifestyle shift. After just 2 weeks I lost 10lbs and felt better than I even knew was possible. I didn’t realize that I felt heavy and uncomfortable after meals until that feeling no longer existed. I hated running, but I felt like I could go run a mile no problem with my newfound energy! I spent the next couple of years fully dedicated to making whatever shifts my body was asking of me. It wasn’t always easy, I had bouts of itchy, inflamed rashes as candida purged from my body, sometimes headaches, sometimes having to say no to foods that I used to use for dopamine hits. Not only did my allergies alleviate, but I slept better, had better digestion, regular bowel movements, and felt better than I ever remembered feeling.

I overcame so many things I didn’t know I could overcome. I learned and experienced how food, thoughts, emotions, and actions dictate my health and well-being. I realized food can be medicine AND pleasurable, beautiful, and satisfying. Since that beginning I have been on an ever-evolving journey of learning and understanding what wellness is for me and that it is not a one size fits all. My knowledge expanded while going through pregnancy, natural home births, and raising a family with this holistic perspective. I have more recently dived into the world of quantum biology, learning how the sun, earth, and our bodies are meant to be in connection and how that drastically impacts our health and well-being. We have the ability to unlock an ancient wisdom within us. Our modern world has forgotten much of how we were created to experience life and I hope this movement of remembering continues to grow. And our healing journeys are never finished. I believe it’s a continuous path of growing and learning.

I have felt called to be a wellness coach, or maybe advocate is a better word. I also recently heard the term “life doula” and I love that as well. I want to share what I have learned in hopes that it might be what you have been looking for. My goal is to be a thinking partner with you, support you as you look within to find the answers that have been there all along. I educate based off of my expertise, but at the end of the day I am here to empower you to take that information and ask yourself what feels right for you in this moment, understanding that there is a season for everything. What season are you in? What do you want to experience? What would bring you into the life you desire to experience? 

I wish you a life of vitality, wholeness, and love!

Hi, I’m Alisha