Functional Movement
Moving Functionally & Intuitively
In this section of my offerings I team up with my husband, Ben Hunt with Life Elevated Movement Therapy, to share with you a new paradigm of thinking about movement. You can learn more about him and his practice here. You could also use the word exercise here but I find that word can come with a lot of baggage for people. And, movement is occurring almost every moment of the day, while exercise tends to be a set aside time of intentional movement. What I have learned from working with Ben is that all of my movement, the way in which I move through my life, can be intentional once I’ve re-patterned my muscles and nervous system to connect and move in a way that supports every part of my body. Exercising used to feel like a burden for me and I would often find myself injured after more frequent high intensity workouts (even as a yoga teacher who tried to move very often!). I learned that I had patterns set in my body that were not helping my structure and therefore made me move in a compromising way. I started completely over in my movement practice and drew it back to step one, breath. I learned how to breathe to my full capacity and we worked outward from there. I still have a long way to go, but I’m already experiencing my body in a whole new way. I feel stronger, more settled in my body, and have less pains, aches, and injuries.
The second part of this movement section is Energy Medicine Yoga. I was certified in this after finding Donna Eden of Eden Energy Medicine and then learning she teamed up with a yoga teacher. This practice takes concepts from Traditional Chinese Medicine and more to help you support the energetic systems of the body. These systems move 1,000 times faster than nerve impulses! That is very fast communication. So when we learn how to tap into and communicate with these systems and optimize their function, we can very quickly change how we feel. After energy medicine yoga classes many students report feeling both energized and relaxed. It creates harmony in the body and brings balance. This is a wonderful tool to help you connect mind and body, regulate your nervous system, and tap into the communication of your body so you can more intuitively connect with your needs.
Stay tuned for classes by both Ben and myself to learn how to move connected, intuitively, and to feel your best self in your body.
A Note from Ben
I love movement because it makes me feel connected and alive. When I feel that connection to life, joy is right there to meet me. And when joy flows through me, life is good. So I train that.
I train connection into the system using Functional Patterns, a movement methodology that respects our biology with two main themes as the primary focus: our fundamental movements as humans, and our integrated fascial network. When we train with these as our focus, every function of the body is benefitted. We’re designed for connection, and that connection expressed equals flow. Integrated Movement = Connection = Flow = Vitality.