ancestral nourishment

Eating Like an Ancestor

A lot of us are consumed with wondering what to eat, when maybe a better question is how do we eat? If we take a look back at how all of our ancestors ate before modern times (which we only have to go back about 80 or so years to do), you will find all sorts of diets depending on region and what was available. All people found ways in which to nourish themselves and survive. And even looking across what we now call the “blue zones” in the world today, where people live the longest and healthiest, each of those zones have different diets. So what’s the common denominator? They are eating whole, unprocessed foods straight from the earth, most of it is seasonal, and mostly local to them. They are connected to the earth and its rhythms.

I have spent almost two decades trying different food systems and trying to find how to eat in a way that feels good, isn’t depraved, and meets all my family’s needs. What seems to work best, as well as what a lot of research reveals, is eating whole unprocessed foods (raw or cooked), and eating as seasonal as possible. Eating seasonally also aligns with the quantum biology perspective in that sunlight is governing cellular information, which I’ll get more into in some of my courses. Essentially, if you were living completely connected with the earth and your environment, what would you be eating? Below you will find lots of amazing resources and research that dig further into these concepts. And my training in Ayurvedic nutrition has provided a wonderful connection to the energetics of food and how if affects our body’s energetics. There is a beautiful synergy between us and our food, and learning how to utilize this can enhance your vitality.

My goal as a wellness coach and educator is to help connect you with solid information and support you in following your own body’s wisdom as you find your path forward. This won’t look identical for everyone, and I think it’s much simpler than we’ve made it in this modern world! Our modern world has forgotten and lost touch with our connection to nature and creation. It’s my desire to bring back our connection to the wisdom that is in creation all around us. I believe it is time to remember what has been forgotten. It’s time to touch the earth with our bare feet, let our hands dig in the soil as we plant and nurture our food, feel the sun kiss our bare skin.

Resources and research

For tons of wonderful research on blue zones, ancestral eating, and whole foods visit The Weston A. Price Foundation

More interesting blue zone information: The Blue Zones

For women: how food/gut health and hormones affect each other check out Dr. Aviva Romm’s website and podcast, as well as her book Hormone Intelligence. She is an incredible resource for women!

For all things fermented: Cultures For Health

If you have gut healing to do then I highly recommend checking out the Auto-Immune Protocol (AIP) to give your gut and body the space it needs to heal. Check it out here: AIP Diet

My Favorite Books:

Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon

Nourishing Traditions Book for Baby and Child Care, by Sally Fallon and Dr. Thomas Cowan

Documentaries for the Whole Family (I recommend watching these in the order they are listed)

Food, Inc.

Food Matters

Hungry for Change

Transcendence - this one begins connecting mind and body health, a deeper dive beyond just food.

Transcendence 2

Kiss the Ground - this documentary covers the importance of how our food grows and how we can heal the earth